Need help with E.M.P. Project!!

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that was my point, sort of. my point was, in order to get any "useful" energy radiated from an "EMP gun", would require a lot more energy than you're ever going to get from a wall outlet. the worst you will accomplish with a line current powered device is probably erase your credit cards if you're standing too close. the Air Fprce's test bed generated 0.2 TERAWATTS..... that's twenty million times more than what's available on a typical 100 amp residential service. granted the 0.2TW was in the form of a pulse, but you still have to charge the thing in a reasonable amount of time, and you're not going to get there with a 100A service... and you really won't get there with a flyback transformer running at an average of 20-50W.

It depends on the capacitor. The AF's EMP test was designed to cover a large space. You don't need nearly .2TW to cause damage. There are ways to charge a capacitor quickly and to supply a lot more power, but I am not willing to go into that. To be honest, I'm surprised this thread hasn't been closed. It's a very dangerous, and illegal project that should not be attempted by anyone at any time.
Double award: Wile e. Coyote award and marvin the martian award

View attachment 65742 for ignoring both logic and the safety concerns of others that have participated in this thread, physicskid27 receives a Wile E. Coyote Super Genius Award

View attachment 65743 for continuing a project that is intended to damage or disrupt or cause chaos, physicskid27 receives a Marvin the Martian "I'm going to blow up the earth" award....

all in favor say "aye"........


Personally I wouldn't call that circuit an EMP generator but more of a simple poorly tuned RF pulse generator or if well tuned a basic spark gap mini Tesla coil.

Either way the odds are he wont be able to destroy much other than watches, calculators, cell phones, and TV remotes with it if it even works.

I say let him go nuts. If he want to charge up that .05 uF 5KV cap and stick his tongue on it while he's at it let him go for it!

tcmtech. Proud sponser and promoter of the Darwin awards.
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It's most definitely not anything like a spark gap Tesla coil. It is a high frequency pulse generator, though. And it can cause damage to anything with FETs or sensitive ICs. And like I said, this project is illegal in most countries. I would much rather the OP go for a Tesla coil project, instead.
It's most definitely not anything like a spark gap Tesla coil.

Well what have I been building all these years then.

(And why haven't I ever destroyed anything with it either?)
Well what have I been building all these years then.

(And why haven't I ever destroyed anything with it either?)

I haven't the slightest clue what you've been building all these years. But if you think that the EMP gun schematic/setup in the link is anything like a mini Tesla coil, then you obviously don't know what a real Tesla coil is! The circuitry is very different, the operation is very different, even the theory of how it works is nothing like a Tesla coil. They're designed to do very different things. You might want to read up on the theory behind Tesla coils and the theory about EMP guns. Hopefully then you'd see the difference.
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Fine then. I officially name my design a tcmtech coil!

The thing is I have played around with many different Tesla coil layouts and a few I have done did have the primary and secondaries in series with an additional tuning capacitor in parallel with the primary coils pretty much like whats shown in the OPs schematic link.
What TCM said.

this isn't an EMP, its a decaying sinusoid generator.
furthermore it doesn't produce harmonics to 100MHZ, the spark gap does (allegedly)
That .05uF cap doesn't even have a self resonance of 10 Mhz... 2 Mhz would be plausible, as that would require an inductance of ~130nH

now the wavelength of 2Mhz is very long, and easy to shield against.
2Ghz, not so much...

Note that EMPs typically drive virtual cathode devices from an explosively pumped flux compressor.
they don't drive LC tuned circuits.

A real experiment would be to discharge a fast capacitor into any common magnetron. preheat the filament, and the low energies involved (say 100J or less) would not harm the human body.
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Okay, I'll give that to you--some of Tesla's coils were wired in a similar manner. But you said, and I quote:

a basic spark gap mini Tesla coil

It is NOT a "basic spark gap mini Tesla coil". It might look similar to one of Tesla's coils, but it does not look, nor operate, like a "basic spark gap mini Tesla coil"
Pick pick pick.

Fine. It looks like a basic spark gap tcmtech coil system.

The problem with schematics it they do accurately represent the reality of how an actual circuit and it components look like when built.

No scale of size or specific physical layout patterns are given. A schematic can as easily represent a surface mount device system or a massive industrial system that takes up half a room for each component.
Here is something else to consider. Years ago we conducted some tests on a Minuteman ICBM silo related to EMP. The methods used and the results remain classified information. What I will say about it is that several of the folks involved in the on site activities have passed away from cancer!

Thank you JSETDB. That reinforces my previous point: Whether the EMP gun works or not, it is still very dangerous in more ways than you can imagine. It should NOT BE ATTEMPTED, no matter what.
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