need help with feedback control

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New Member

I am using a DC-DC converter to power a load (pls see diagram).

Is it possible to measure or feedback the current in the load into a controller. The controller will then compare the load current to a reference current. If the load current is too high, the controller will disconnect the source from the DC-DC converter, thus turning off the system.

1. Is this possible?

2. what kind of controller can I use to do this?

I don't know much about electronics.

Many thanks.


  • cct schematic.jpg
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Yes, perfectly possible, very common, and normal.

2. what kind of controller can I use to do this?

Most switch-mode IC's have current and voltage sensing inputs for regulation, and over/under current/voltage protrection.

I don't know much about electronics.

That could be a problem?.
Thanks for your reply.

How do I use the switch-mode IC?

I don't know much electronics but I think that if I am tenacious, I will find a solution sooner or later.

Hopefully sooner.

many thanks
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