need help with MOC3022 and BT137

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hello I'm making a remote dimmer and I'm having some trouble with the dimmer circuit. (opto isolator used is MOC3022 and triac used is BT137)

i use following circuit as the dimmer.but after supplying power bulb begins to flicker
**broken link removed**

but if i bypass opto-isolator triac turns on continuously
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. can some one point me what is the error?

i have attached a video too


  • dimmer.JPG
    14.1 KB · Views: 1,245
  • dimmer 2.JPG
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    317.6 KB · Views: 750
I deleated my response after viewing your movie. This doesn't look like a workable control circuit. The control has to be synchronized with the cycles of the mains in order for a triac to work. Otherwise, you can only control "on" and "off" I don't know why your light flickers as it does. I'm not familiar with your opto, but I suspect there are others on here who has knowledge of it.

but this is the circuit given in moc3020-3023 data sheet (only difference is in data sheet circuit has 240v 60hz)
edit: I just realise after I posted and deleted it. The MOC is a traic output.

Is U1 LED is connected wrong and leakage current is slightly turning it on?
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output is connected correct way

Is the LED conencted right way round? ( I have to ask)

I can't see anything wrong with your 'trial' circuit, despite what others say about needing zero-crossing control.

If you're going dim though, maybe you do need some voltage detector circuit.
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