Need help with mt8870DE in myanmar

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New Member
I am from myanmar. I joined mt8870de with headset from my mobile. I used components value from datasheet. But it doesn't work. Plz help me.
Firstly, thanks for introducing yourself. I had never heard to Myanmar until now... The chip you are trying to use is a DTMF decoder:

The numbers on a telephone keypad are arranged in rows and columns. Thus button 1 is row 1, column 1. Button 6 is row 2, column 3. When you press the numbers on a typical telephone keypad, it generates 2 tones, one according to the row and one according to the column.

This chip decodes these 2 tones into 4 logic outputs, thus connecting it to your headset will not work. Your headset is expecting an analogue signal and you are giving it a digital one.

It sounds like what you are trying to do it beyond the abilities of this forum, but good luck
I know and i used the component as in datasheet but it doesn't work.i uesed single ended cinfig. Plz help me.
You insist in asking questions about a circuit that you only know. Would you expect an answer from that?
Your signal level from the headset may be incorrect. You may need to change the gain of the input stage of the decoder. See the data sheet (GS pin).
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