If the cut off frequency of the first and second amplifier is 2 hz, so the corresponding capacitor value for the first amp would be 80nF and for the second amp would be 142nF. So, the nearest the ceramic capacitors value would be 100nf, is it?
I would go with the 295 to save any head aches I have the parts to build this with both the 295 and 358 I try it and let you no how they do if you want.
1.The output from the pin7 (op amp) entering the pin6(RB0) pic is in analogue or digital input?
2.If the cut off frequency of the first and second amplifier is 2 hz, so the corresponding capacitor value for the first amp would be 80nF and for the second amp would be 142nF. So, the nearest the ceramic capacitors value would be 100nf, is it?
3.What is the purpose of the pot 10Kohm at the output of the first amplifier?
4.Is there any calibration needed in the circuit?
5.How do i get the frequency and phase response of the amplifier with filter circuits?
1 it's conditioned for digital read so you can count it.
2 They use a 100nf and resistors to set the filter.
3 set the gain
4 the pot for best signal
5 Read the data sheet there some math in there you need to no based on input resistance and your RC filiter.
6 It looks like your getting nice beats. Like about 60 a minute
I don't understand the answer for question 1, 2 and 5. For question 5, couldn't I get the frequency and phase response from the simulation software or computer based software?
so, are you saying that what i have said in the question 2 is correct or they pick the 100nf first before selecting the resistors value so that it will be 2hz?