Need help with my first boot

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New Member
hello. i am trying to build a small bot, that moves like a tank (with tank treads).
it's a RC bot (like a Bomb squad bot). my problem is that i don't know how to build the circuit to connect all of the components, and how to connect a USB modified WebCam so it can transmit wireless to a receiver on the "CP".
what does cp Mean?
Well It appears that you have a small amount of knowledge when it comes to electronics.

I would recommend a kit that has tank treads and all you have to do is add an h-bridge for your electronics, which is a motor control for your project. Since you are a beginner I would recommend the motor mind c, it's easy to use and you can connect it to an RC receiver so you can control it remotely with a futaba transmitter or hitec or any other company that makes transmitters, they all should work.

Here's a website that you can mess around with to find kits and mostly everything you need to do your project.

**broken link removed**

I would recommend a book also, so that way you can further your knowledge about robotics and the basic concepts of electronics.
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how to connect a USB modified WebCam so it can transmit wireless to a receiver on the "CP".
Buy yourself a cheap wireless security camera & monitor and save yourself some grief. Trying to make a USB web cam broadcast wirelessly without a PC on a small bot is a VERY difficult task.
kchriste said:
Buy yourself a cheap wireless security camera & monitor and save yourself some grief. Trying to make a USB web cam broadcast wirelessly without a PC on a small bot is a VERY difficult task.

Actually it is not all that difficult however the negative of doing it the simple way is it is very cost effective. So it would just be a good idea to get a cheap wireless camera as stated but you could use your own household tv to view the camera.
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