need help with pic16f877a programmer, please!

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New Member
Hello all
I have built a JDM style programmer for the pic16f84a and it works fine. Can someone help me with converting the programmer to take a 16f877a?

I know I need to tie RB3 low to ground but where do I go from here?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

oops forgot to add the schematic

This is the JDM programmer I am using. Works great, but what are the pinouts for the 877A?


  • newpic0.gif
    3.3 KB · Views: 512
Please note that the pins on the picture are NOT in numerical order.

**broken link removed**
Thanks for the diagram Exo.

Are these the correct pin connections for the above programmer to program the 877a?

PIC16F84A -> PIC16F877A

Pin 4 (MCLR) -> Pin 1 (MCLR)
Pin 5 (Vcc) -> Pins 12,31 (Vcc)
Pin 12 (RB6) -> Pin 39 (RB6)
Pin 13 (RB7) -> Pin 40 (RB7)
Pin 14 (Vdd) -> Pins 11,32 (Vdd)

Yeah, that should be it...

Also make sure the programming software you use is able to program the 'A' version. There is a diffirence in the algorithm used to program a 16F877 and a 16F877A
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