Need help with schematic

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New Member
I am working on Smart parking project.
Here is my schematic.
I sent this to my professor and he said it is not right, i am not sure why. Also he said if i connect this to power source it will burn the source.
I am new at this so i really need help.
What am i doin wrong?


  • 1592391796487.png
    120.6 KB · Views: 425
Nothing, as long as the source is a stable 5v... He may mean you have to have a regulator on the schematic..
I agree with Ian. The 3.3V ... 5V has to be stable
The AVCC should be decoupled with an 10µH Coil, when using the A/D Converter ( Look into Datasheet Page 213 ).
And at the Reset Pin 10nF Capacitator is large enough ( In my Circuits is no Cap there ).

VCC and Ground Connections should be checked ( Display and periphere Chips ).
At a first look I couldn't see any mistake there.

Built it on a Breadboard and check if it works.
Looks fine to me. Will be interested when you're told what's wrong.

I am using usb cable, 5V. Why do i need regulator if i do not need to reduce voltage?

You don't - people are just guessing what your professor doesn't like - and depending actually how good he is, it may be something really silly and not an issue at all (such as a protection diode on the input?).

We'd all like to know when he tells you.
USB 5V are not always very stable.
Normally it exceed never 5.5V.

When want to use an Voltage Rgulator You have to use a 3.3V type.
But with 3.3V the ATMEGA can only be clocked with 8Mhz max.
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