I am working on Smart parking project.
Here is my schematic.
I sent this to my professor and he said it is not right, i am not sure why. Also he said if i connect this to power source it will burn the source.
I am new at this so i really need help.
What am i doin wrong?
I agree with Ian. The 3.3V ... 5V has to be stable
The AVCC should be decoupled with an 10µH Coil, when using the A/D Converter ( Look into Datasheet Page 213 ).
And at the Reset Pin 10nF Capacitator is large enough ( In my Circuits is no Cap there ).
VCC and Ground Connections should be checked ( Display and periphere Chips ).
At a first look I couldn't see any mistake there.
You don't - people are just guessing what your professor doesn't like - and depending actually how good he is, it may be something really silly and not an issue at all (such as a protection diode on the input?).