Need help with wave generators

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Apparently the game pieces are identical, and do not have unique identities. Is this true?
Apparently the game pieces are identical, and do not have unique identities. Is this true?

In addition to modeling a unique population type in an overly simplistic way, each game piece represents at least three or four characteristics - that are common to the other four populations, of the particular population that the game piece represents. So, I would say, no, it isn’t true.
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Then it seems to me that you have a much bigger problem than simply locating each piece on the board (which, as you know, isn't simple). Each piece would need to have some property that you can identify, in addition to its location.
Then it seems to me that you have a much bigger problem than simply locating each piece on the board (which, as you know, isn't simple). Each piece would need to have some property that you can identify, in addition to its location.

That is true. What did you have in mind for communicating properties to the game pieces? Were I to use the game board to electronically communicate properties to the pieces, in addition to using the signals that ran through the board to detect the locations of the pieces, these signals would somehow also have to be encoded to communicate property information to the pieces. This could get very complicated, at least for me, with 15 through 20 different types of property information. As of now, the property information is communicated to each piece separately through wires that connect to the game pieces. This is not as ergonomic or aesthetical as the game board could be if I were able to communicate changes in property information to the game pieces through the flat game board or remotely. However, if I find a material for the board that would allow me to communicate location information to the pieces, this material might be able to be used to send property information to the game pieces later by improving the signals that ran through the game board.
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