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New Member
Hi all i'm New to this , ok this is the thing i'm interested to making a robot not a complex one just a simple one ...

its like this ,

there is something called Ultrasonic Sensor.. little peace of a mic and a speaker. what its doing is ( the Transmitter ) sending a Ultrasonic pulse when we activate it .. and the receiver receives the pulse . what i'm going to do is i'm trying to find the distance between the robot and the obstacle, i can do that if i can found out the time different . assume that i'm sending a pulse using transmitter and starting a counter ( timer ) then when the pulse received i can count the time... he he

anyway basically what i want to do is i wanna programme a PIC and its a simple one named PIC16F84A but sadly i don't know anything about this field . but i know languages , i'm currently doing a software engineering course..

so can you please help me... !!!!

Please Help Me...
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Nigel Goodwin said:
You will have more luck if you search for 'ultrasonic' rather than 'ultraviolet'.

oops sorry about that ( Printing Mistake ) ya that's ' Ultrasonic ' so can you help me please..
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