Need lcd without driver!!

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New Member
I need to make a display that is controled with a pic microcontroller. I may use driver but then I must put it me self together.

So I need to know where I can get a lcd without driver just the glas and some electrode. If I get it work I meaby can sell it so then I can buy realy much!

So if some 1 can help me with a adress where I can get some of them? I prefur a grafic lcd but a dot or character will do to. I live in europa.

Thanks Rik,
Thanks the are the cheapest of the one I found befor, it not realy what I mean but I think I can get some for me prototype,

I need 1 with 45mm up to 50mm max in the width and the height is free. But I you have gif me a good site to look but I am not shure is not look that prof.
I can use a COG to so a lcd where the chip is on the glas,

Does someone knows where I can find them?
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