Try to find some plans on the internet.Becose someone has shurly done it before. (You simpley build it isted of designing the circuit and frustrating why it dosent work)
I LOVE robots, but it's not even an option with my smallie PIC... I don't have time 2 dwelve into tryin' 2 make it work, with a SINGLE PIC... I can't use more than one: it's just a course project, not an amateur's one... Someone Electro really got it right 8) : ultrasonic sensor + LCD, plus any other misc component...
The line following robot is too simple, u don't need a real robot to build it. What u need is Just an old car u used to play with when u were a kid
mmmm but the problem u ll face is that the car won't be able to carry the plexy board u have :S .
Xtremely small detail: there r LOADS of people that have, and ARE doing this line following robot... I just don't like to do as others. I created this post just bc I'm overloaded with stuff, and don't have experience in the domain.
Bottom line: I like innovative ideas... 10x anyway :wink: !!!
well, if u wanna spend some money, u can use Aurel Tx/ Rx with the pic to control for example ur car (open the door from a distance ) yet u ll
have some mechanical work to do which ll take u a lot of time :shock:
Well, to make u more confused :!: Why u don't work with the RS232 protocol :idea:
u connect the pic :arrow: max :arrow: pc and implement a small VB interface 8)
yesp, in my previous post i meant the hangman game, but i think it would be interesting if the output will be a matrix and with every wrong entry a part of the hangman will be drawn ...
u ll be using
yep, in my previous post i meant the hangman game, but i think it would be interesting if the output will be a matrix and with every wrong entry a part of the hangman will be drawn ...
u ll be using pic, eeprom, keypad, dot matrix display...