I have already connected the pin 3 (V0) to the central pin of a variable resistor, the other pin of the variable to GND, and the other one to VCC and consequently to pin 2 of the LCD... Isn't that right :?:
I have already connected the pin 3 (V0) to the central pin of a variable resistor, the other pin of the variable to GND, and the other one to VCC and consequently to pin 2 of the LCD... Isn't that right :?:
Is that LCD brand new or is it a used one? Onece I had a problem with used one, it was damaged and didn't work, and it took me a while to figure it out.
It's brand new!! I bought it 2 days ago :cry: :cry: !!
Jay, could u direct me 2 somewhere where i can actually learn how 2 'speak' with it... I don't want ready-made program: I like 2 create my own... But I need to quite understand how it works...
What's with the Hitachi? I'm using a WinStar... They have extremely 'tight' datasheets... Just the pin config and currents and stuff... No further info. I need to know what I do with each pin, not what is each pin...
What's with the Hitachi? I'm using a WinStar... They have extremely 'tight' datasheets... Just the pin config and currents and stuff... No further info. I need to know what I do with each pin, not what is each pin...
That's very refreshing :shock: ! Hehe, I want now the LCD to work!
But I have the 16F84A... Not the 16F628, which Nigel based his tutorials on... I took out the comparator line, from the code, and changed the porta/trisa to portb/trisb (cause it's 8-bits) and it didn't work :cry: :!: :!: :!:
The LCD code works fine on any 14 bit PIC, it's certainly fine on PortB of a 16F84, or any full port on a 16 series (14 bit) PIC. In fact, it will probably work on almost any PIC, with only very minor changes.
As already suggested, the contrast setting is fairly important, two low and you get nothing, too high and you often get solid black charcaters right across the screen. If ALL you get is solid blocks, it usually shows that the LCD isn't being set up - this is what you get if you don't have the PIC plugged in.
I'm sure it's no resistor-contrast problem, because I am tuning a 'precise' 4k potentiometer... As soon as I get any liquid crystal appearing, I get'em as blocks... It's not that I have 2 much contrast or so...