I noticed that the circuit is "more" stable: b4, the LEDs of the PIC's board, connected to Port B, were lighting up, b4 I switch on the power to the PIC itself! I would have turned on the power supply, but not the board, but the LED's were ON... Weird... Now, that 'weirdness' is gone: improvement is on the go. But still no characters :cry: :!:
If there are, that's fine. I just don't see them in the scheme you posted... Also keep that in mind for the future, if you design different board without them.
this is an interesting sentance... it tells me that the initialisation is done correctly. Can you check if you didn't swap the RS and RW wires (in HW and in SW also), that might be a prob.
Euh... My teacher adviced me 2 use it, bc it's easier to get the LCD to work... Anyway, I'm not bad in programming, and I learn fast... So assembly is not much of a prob: I have taken already 2 courses, using assembly (Computer Architecture and Microprocessor Design) and have had exellent performance 8) ...