Need quick, reliable and economical way to transfer my project to pcb

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New Member
could anyone help me on the best method to transfer my project draw with express pcb to the board for etching and what is the best chemical for ettching my copper board in simple and economical way
many thanks to u cabelyn

I realy appreciate ur submision thanks. did u stil know any other simple machine that is not too cost specifically for pcb pls let me know and how I can get a copy.did u think my laser jet hp m2727 will do the job
OK what resources do you have? do you have a cloths iron, a library near you ( they can copy and print your art work on a laser copy machine) as far as etching goes, you can get muricatic acid at a hardware store and hydrogen Peroxide at wallmart for a buck. and I think the paint department there has the muricatic acid too. the mix is two parts muricatic to one part hydrogen peroxide. it works fast so be ready with a water bath. and you don't need much for a small board, I MIX A 1/2 CUP FOR one.
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Gogo thanks for your submision only i dont know the chemical name for muriatic but i use nitric acid the result is fantastic .
Maybe recheck your mix
1 part muratic acid ADDED to 2 parts hydrogen peroxide.
To rejuvenate the mix just add hydrogen peroxide. A fish tank bubblier helps to remove the etched copper and adds oxygen to the mix to help rejuvenate it.
I have a DIY posted here under articles or ?
I need to locate it.
if you have just to make a pcb from your design in express PCB then get a print out of it on a trace paper or transparency. get ingridients for screen printing and make a design on the board. In india we have different names so that i cant tell you the names there. once you screen print it. you get a mould for many pcb. just apply ink and you can have 10 pcb printed per min. now you have to etch the boards. use ferric chloride in warm water and keep shaking. in 30 min you could etch good one pcb. thats it. I always follow it and have best results.
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