need schematic.

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The circuit is too simple. It is missing the peak detector circuit shown on the datasheet that makes the LEDs look bright and good.
Your vision cannot see a brief peak brightly, just dimly or nothing. The peak detector circuit holds it long enough to be seen.
I guess you didn't see the videos huh?

Sometimes simple is king, remember that.

This is a bit more involved but in a different direction - **broken link removed**
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I think you had the volume turned up too high so the output clipped severely producing square-waves that were either maximum high voltage or nothing.
A VU meter is supposed to be linear.
A VU meter is supposed to be linear.

Show me the rule book that states this.

I mean really, do you see a dB scale? No. It just for a light show, nothing else.

Lighten up, Downer McBummer pants!!!

Oh, and my source is an Mp3 player.
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Your LED display simply turns on all LEDs then turns them off. Sometimes the LEDs turn on and off so quickly that you don't see them or they are very dim.
A VU meter shows the different levels of music.
The LEDs of an LM3915 light at 3dB differences.
Your LED display simply turns on all LEDs then turns them off. Sometimes the LEDs turn on and off so quickly that you don't see them or they are very dim.

If this were the case, then all the pictures I have taken would either show all LEDs on or off, but they don't. Nor would I be able to make an animated GIF as such - Box - VU meter/sub2.gif

You can clearly see the different levels being dispalyed.

Sorry, your analysis doesn't hold up.
Your highest level LEDs are much dimmer than your lower level LEDs because your circuit is missing a peak detector:


  • peak detector demo.PNG
    52.7 KB · Views: 197
Yes, that gives it linearity. I don't want it to detect peak but rather the average.

...and it clealry shows they are not all on.

When you build the circuit, you can add a peak detector.
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