need some help on resetting the 74LS90N ic in a digital clock circuit....

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i did a digital clock circuit and need some help in resetting the 74LS90 IC.i know that the 74LS90 can be reset when a HIGH input is connected to pin2 and pin3..but in my clock circuit..i had to connect a AND gate to the pin2 and pin3 as i want the second IC in the following picture to only count from 0 until 5 (the tenth part to count the seconds)...hope someone could help me here...i need help to reset the second IC in the following pic which counts from 0till 5....


  • seconds counter.JPG
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The AND gate is not needed. You just need to set the second IC as to mod 6. To do that connect pin 2 to pin 9 and pin 3 to pin 8 and it will count 0 to 5 and reset to zero. As for resetting the IC, you should be able to input the high to pins 2 and 3 even when connected to other pins or gates.
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