I straightened out the file system. Forget all previous libraries, unless you want the one that uses a circle. Using the circle tool will look OK, but will fail DRC in all likelihood.
Attached is a new zipped folder named Dome-Key1. It contains a new library (Dome-Key1.lbr) and a new schematic/board with the same name. DRC gave no errors. You may need to change minimum wire width to .005 or less and minimum hole to something less than 0.016.
This new library uses the polygon tool for the central circle. Eagle measures dimensions to the middle of the "wire," so I had to take that into consideration to get the correct diameter for the center (i.e., deduct half of the wire width from the radius). The wire tool might also be used, just as it was for the outer circle, but then there may be a problem getting it to fill completely.
Other changes:
1) Centered the pad/via. You can move it to the edge, if you want.
2) Deleted the t-cream layer (#31 ) from the SMD pads. That will prevent a manufacturer from putting solder paste on those pads.
Something to consider:
1) Add a t-finish layer (#33) over the same areas as the t-stop (#29). You can then specify a special finish for the contact areas, such as gold plating.
FYI, the problem with the polygon first time was that I used a zero line width.to make calculating of the circle diameter easier. That caused a DRC failure that I could not get around. Changed the width and it worked.
View attachment Dome-Key1.zip