Need Some Ideas For this project ???

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New Member
Okay so i am an electronics newbie .. and its not a project as such ... anyways i am thinking of connecting a 60dB car horn to my alarm clock i.e removing the speakers from the alarm clock and connecting the horn instead ....(i am a heavy sleeper )

now this car horn runs on 12V dc and requires about 65mA .... i am using a simple & cheap battery powered clock instead of the one on mains .....

it may seem too easy for you electronic experts but i haven't got a clue for it .....
Probably a simple solution, but can't think of much right now, so many possibilities. First, thought of just a transistor as a switch, off the clock speaker, but realized that it would switch at the same frequency as the alarm tone, which might work for a bigger speaker, but not the car horn. Maybe something like a sound switch, like the ones that you clap your hands to turn something on. Never built one myself, but have seen the topic come up several times.

It's tough to think, since there is a huge variety of alarm clocks. Mine sound like a pulsed tone, at a set frequency. If you knew the frequency, there was a cheap IC that could be set up with a few parts to give an on/off signal. Think it was LM567, have in seen it much in the past 20 years, might be out of production.
oh shoot ... i think you may have got the wrong idea .....

what i intend to do is just replace the piezo speaker in the alarm clock with a high dB speaker i.e attach the two leads from the horn to the alarm clock ..... i.e. somehow i need to supply 12v to the horn and it must be triggered by the clock instead of the piezo speaker .... !!!!

so no need for using any ICs i guess .......
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