Need some other idea on miniature linear actuator

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New Member
Hi all,
i'm looking for some miniature linear actuator. As now i've found those
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PQ-12F Seems good enough for what i'll need to do. Question is... do you know something like this but from other company and cheaper if possible?

The other i found are reaaaaallly too big. I'll need to move about 1-2 pound with it not much. This one have a built-in position pot, so noo need to add extra external stuff... i like that.

Let me know.

You could just adapt a car window motor to do the job the junk yard has plenty. Or just get an electric antenna and adapt it.
I salvaged a mechanism that appeared to have been made as a complete assembly (by another mfr). It was a stepper motor that directly drove a screw so that the motion was linear. I will try to remember to look at it and see who made it. It was not all that large.
Thanks guys. Speed is not a big problem i can play a little bit with it. Travel sould be <100mm. Repetition once in a while. It's going to be a lazy way to fine tune position/orientation of speaker, car tv or else light device like that by remote, RFID, mag card,.. ,.. ,...

I already used step motor in the past for that, but the Linear actuator make things much simple. Less mechanism, less problem, faster to design and so on.
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