Need thyristor Part Number

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I need some thyristor for a DC motor control. My necessity is
1. 1A continuous current (upto 5A peak)
2. Breakover voltage atleast 50V
(Other parameters, I think I can make do with)

The local vendor only has the most popular/classic types of parts so googling isn't helping me. (I come up with a (recent) part and he says he doesn't have that).

So, can somebody please give me some classic / popular thyristor part number?
C106D is common.

Why don't you ask your vendor what parts he has, then decide which one is suitable?

The vendor doesn't know what part is thyristor, what part is transistor and so on. For him its all just numbers and black bugs.
Thanks for the link. I just realized that the peak current (~5A) rating was meant for starting/halting condition. Since, that condition can last for seconds, in thyristor's prespective, that duration is not peak but same as continuous rating. So, 4A rms rated C106D should be suitable. I need to check if its available.
Finally, need to settle with this: TYN616.
Its quite overrated, but cheap anyway, so it should do my job well.
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