need to change signals ( i believe) *programming in C*

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New Member
ive made this robot and it runs good, but not exactly as planned.

I use an R/C controller to move it around but there is a slight problem in how it moves.

the trigger button only moves the left side wheel (pwm1,pwm3) while the wheel moves the right side only(pwm2,pwm4). So lets say when i want to go straight forward i hafta move the wheel to the left and trigger to the left.

what i want to happen is that the trigger controls both sides(both motors) and the wheel mainly for turning.
ive tried different combos and here is what i found
(pwm1,pwm2) - does nothing
(pwm1,pwm3)- trigger nothing, steering wheel makes it go backwards
(pwm1,pwm4) - same as above
(pwm2,pwm3)- trigger does nothing, steering wheel makes it go left and right
(pwm2,pwm4)- same as above

ive attached the code as well mainly u need to look into the user_routines towards the end(the last 3 pages or so i beleive)

somehow the R/C pwm inputs have to coincide with the pwm outputs

so any suggestions would be helpful guys

btw if you are wondering yes this is for the FIRST and our team is lookin pretty good, ill post our bot designs when i get the digi cam in


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