need to drive 6 super bright leds on 6v coin battery

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I'm new to this area. Ive been working on a circuit to turn on 6 leds and blink to conserve power. It will run in 10 to 15 second intervals running off an exising timiming circuit. I'd like it to run off of 2 cr2450 coin batteries or a 6v camera battery. Through my testing LED"s, i found that brightness is a function of current not always mcd's. Looks like 100mA drives most of the small LED"s I tested the best. I'm looking at led driver booster chips (linear LT3591) but not sure how much current it can handle. Also can i get that much current from coin batteries? Need long battery life too. I'm open fro suggestions on LED's as well.
cr2450 Look at the data sheet. (6 LEDs at 100mA each) The battery was designed for 0.2mA load and under. (500mAh life) It will centrally do 4mA with a much shorter life. (100mAh)

LT3591 is a good part Linear Tek. has many other parts.


  • Panasonic_Lithium_CR2450_CR2477.pdf
    41.8 KB · Views: 198
How large of a Battery

How large of a Battery is ness? can i run 30mA for short burts. Like 10 seconds 5 times a day?
If you look at the graph of load verses voltage, you will see at even 2ma the voltage drops from 3.1v to 2.7v @ 25c and cold the voltage goes way down. I think the internal resistance is such you will not get 100mA into a short. I think you should get some cr2450 and see what happens at 30mA. Try AA batteries. A everyready 1215 AA battery will take 20 hours to discharge to 0.8 volts at 30mA.
How about giving us the LED's that you plan on using specifications. LED's do not always need the the full current for the intensity you want. As a side note I have built circuits that run over 20 LED's on 1 CR2450 battery.
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