need wireless solution to uniquely identify multiple transmitter over short range

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Hi there,
I'm looking for the smallest wireless solution (transmitter/receiver combination) that would allow me to uniquely identify the active transmitter.

I've found very small wireless data transmitters and somewhat larger encoded data transmitters. What I don't know is what I could use to create a signal that the transmitter could send, perhaps serially to an LCD display. My problem is that anything I can think of that would act as a signal (an encoder chip as an example) would add unacceptable size problems to the project.

Can anyone think of a surface mount solution that could be used here?
If I can keep the size down to less than 20mm square by 3 or 4 mm thick, not including a coin battery, I might have a winner.

(Not married to any solution except it must be as small as possible (to be inserted into common objects for detection in a magic effect)
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2 meters?

Is this a belt or shoe hidden device that will detect something in the hand?
If the distance is short then RFID tags would work. Without knowing more it's hard to advise.

Wireless solution post

Hi guys!
Thanks for the replies. Nice to see Blueroom post a reply!
For distance, we're looking at 100 feet or so(less than 30meters for the metric among us)
I thought about RFID but the is a bit of a reach. I've found some very small RF transmitters but wonder about the smallest circuit/approach that would make it possible to identify one or more of say four rigged items.

A digital encoder chip seems to add a little too much size to the thing.
Well the cheap $12 sets of transmitter and receiver will cover that distance and something like a temperature sensor attached will output a unique binary number . I have used an arduino to control the receiver and read it via serial . Maybe some part of that will help .
Qatley have some Oatley Electronics Sparkfun have some as do many.

need an antenna about 8 inches though--notice I said an antenna btw-not quite sure where the magic insertion bit is going. Whats the bum got to do with it?
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You could program a pic to send a unique code. The 10f200 in sot23 is about 3mm (less than 1/8") by 2.5mm.

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You could program a pic to send a unique code. The 10f200 in sot23 is about 3mm (less than 1/8") by 2.5mm.

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Hi there,
Well, that sounds like a option. Thanks for the link as well. If the Vcc etc are correct, it could be put on top of the transmitter board with a dab of silicone adheasive. I was hoping that there might be a "PIC" type solution. The transmitter/receiver combination I'm thinking about is serial in/out so I think I can just pop a serial LCD display on the thing and have a small, descrete module to ID the active transmitter. I wonder if there will be any problems with multiple transmitters active at the same time...

THanks Mike et al
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