needed comments.. " prepaid energy meter "

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Hi all...

Some concepts are required .. as how prepaid energy meter works..?

How can i calculate that -- this much units ( kilo watts ) of energy is being drawn at present.. ?


simrantogether said:
Hi all...

Some concepts are required .. as how prepaid energy meter works..?

How can i calculate that -- this much units ( kilo watts ) of energy is being drawn at present.. ?



Hi, Simran,

There are ICs that do that job for you.
As an example, the SA9102C IC (from SAMES) measures a value proportional do the kWh (or kW, maybe) and outputs an pulse for every given amount of energy consumed. All that you have to do is to count its pulses and multiply them by a constant given by the manufacturer, so you get the kWh (or kW).

I hope this may help you.

The magazine EPE did a power meter design a short while aog, it used a specific chip and a PIC to read and display it.
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