negligible question

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4electros said:
in the diagram of programmer p16pro40 are the resistors labelled 4k7 equal to 47kohm or 4.7kohm

It's the international standard for labelling components, it overcomes the problems of decimal points being missed - you use the letter to replace the decimal point, a 'k' is far easier to spot than a '.'.
Nigel Goodwin said:
It's the international standard for labelling components
is there any international standard for labelling other components in addition to resistors?

I imagine everything has a standard?, fairly obviously capacitors are marked like 4u7 - presumably it's obvious what value that is?.
reasons for using units (or multipliers) instead of decimal point (or decimal comma) is that it is not only shorter but also more reliable. markings on some parts easily wipe of just by touching them with fingers.
dots are quite small and easily lost...
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