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New Member
should i be possible to build a network whit pics in that way..


1 small pic is the display pic

and 1 chip is the radio

and 1 chip is the weather chip

and 1 chip is the menu chip.

and 1 meroy is used..

is it then possible to wired it all up.

and that way.. to be able to see the radio info or the weather info..??

maybe using i2C..???


Yes it's easily possible to connect multiple PIC's together and communicate between them. I wouldn't advise using I2C, it's too complicated (particularly for slaves) - unless you have some I2C hardware you wish to connect as well, in which case the bus has to be there, so you may as well use it.

how would you do it..??

or would you build your own serial communication..???

i thought..

that when i use a merory i2c..

and every chip just writes his data into that memory..

then the menu chip only says to the display chip

wich addresses to read..from the memory..

in that way..

the information is always in tje eeeprom..??

but if you say its to comlicate i believe you..
Again, it all depends what you want to do - if you have a need for non-volatile storage, an I2C EEPROM is one way to go.

Usually, on an I2C system, one device will be master, and all the rest will be slaves - you can have multi-master systems, but that gets much more complicated.

You can easily interconnect PIC's with a simple serial connection, even one pin would do between two PIC's, with a suitable protocol.

Could you be more explicit about what you are wanting to do?.
...offcourse...i can

I have one pic.. 16F877 for example..

and 2 other 16F877

one 16F877 is the display one...

is connected to the display...and some buttons

the other 2 have information 1 has weather information...

and the other lets say has speed information...

well when i press a button on the display chip..
it displays the temperature...

when i press again it displays the speed..

you have to think that it was not possible to put all together in one cpu..

The usual reason for using multiple PIC's is lack of I/O pins, on a 16F877 you have a great deal of I/O.

I see no reason why a single 16F877 can't do the job, an LCD display will only take a single port, a hex keypad will only take another port, this leaves you with three ports left to connect sensors to (including all the analogue input channels).
yeah ok..

i untherstand your mind..and your point..

but what if many different systems want to share one display..???

it better to be able to select what you want to see....

Re: yeah ok..

TKS said:
i untherstand your mind..and your point..

but what if many different systems want to share one display..???

it better to be able to select what you want to see....

Then use a 'small' PIC to drive the display, and transfer the data from other PIC's - but for your application, using a 16F877, it's just adding more complication for no reason.
you could share busses,

just by using enables and disables
that way the port you use to read on could also be the port that drives the display, etc,etc
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