Networking question

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(I am using a family members network (with permission of coarse) and can get faint but usable signal at my house. So I buy a USB G++ Wireless Transceiver but it won't take the pass phrase. And my father is too lazy to dig out the key for me.

I know his pass phrase but do not know the encryption key (WEP 64) Is there a program that I can plug the pass phrase into and have it broken into a WEP?
On mine the encryption key is generated when I type the pass phrase in. But I do not know of a program that will do that.
3or24fan said:
On mine the encryption key is generated when I type the pass phrase in. But I do not know of a program that will do that.

My transceiver has a program that came with it but windblows headache hates it.

Blueroom. I made Type-O it is my father in-laws router and he has a range extender on it. I live behind him so I can get some signal. My mistake.

But yea I am needing Pass phrase to encryption.
If you reset the router you can enter a NEW pass phrase.

Not all network cards support a pass phrase, so use a 5 digit hex key instead as they all support that.

Try this link
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blueroomelectronics said:
If you reset the router you can enter a NEW pass phrase.

Not all network cards support a pass phrase, so use a 5 digit hex key instead as they all support that.

Try this link
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Tried that but my father-in-law refuses to reset it saying "I gave you the pass phrase and the encryption key if you don't remember it thats tough luck". I know his pass phrase just cant seem to remember an encryption key.
The Mad Electrician said:
Tried that but my father-in-law refuses to reset it saying "I gave you the pass phrase and the encryption key if you don't remember it thats tough luck". I know his pass phrase just cant seem to remember an encryption key.

Buy him a case of beer.
wep 64/128 takes 5 min or less to crack with the right program, they come on a bootable tool kit cd. the good tools are not point and click, you'll have to figure out how to use them on the command line.
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