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New +1 system

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I like the new reputation system that allows you to +1 or -1 a particular topic. I use it myself when I feel it appropriate and see others using it occasionally, but I wonder if it might attain more widespread use (like many features on here) by occasionally reminding people?

The site has banners for advertisement, why not the same for feature announcements or reminders? Maybe not a popup, but perhaps a redirect when you log in (limited to once a day) that it would display a 'things you should know' list that ElectroMaster could update from time to time (if required) when new features were added or to otherwise direct the bulk of users to the existence of something that has been here forever.
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A lot of forums have a "Thanks" or "Plus 1" system. It's also fairly easy to see. My concern is that it might be overused sometimes, and the rep bars will make "experts" of newbies, which could be misleading. But I guess that's why EM has the value scaled so that new members' +1s count a little less than experts members'. Personally, I don't see a need for a reminder, but that's just my opinion. I'm curious as to what other people will say about this one.

What, you want an eleventh bar? ;)
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Great to see it being used. And you have come up with a great idea.

I can add a notice to show when a member hits a certain number of posts. Maybe when a user hit's more than 5 posts the notice can be shown, it could simply give a brief description of how it works and then allow them to click close to hide the notice for good.

We could setup quite a few tid-bits for every stage of the membership. One every 5-10 posts, ie at 5 posts show the +1 notice, 10 posts, one about using search, 15 posts, one about latex math, etc.

It would really help some members learn the advanced and somewhat hidden aspects of the forum.

Under what conditions in the "new" system does a +1 rating end up giving a gray box (not green) and no points?

ElectroMaster said:
We could setup quite a few tid-bits for every stage of the membership. One every 5-10 posts, ie at 5 posts show the +1 notice, 10 posts, one about using search, 15 posts, one about latex math, etc.

It would really help some members learn the advanced and somewhat hidden aspects of the forum.

That sounds like a really good way to implement it, virtually all video games use a system like that where as you progress through the initial levels or hit key cornerstones recommendations are given on how best to proceed and the user choose what they do or do not use

The first few stages could be very basic things like how to use tags in posts for clarification. There have been frequent although not an overwhelming number of posts from people that don't realize that these basic functions are there and have to have it pointed out by other users.

I think having this popup or whatever form it ends up taking having an off button though so that more experienced forum users could disable it. I imagine a link to a single page that has all of these tips/tricks on a single page so that more adventurous users could get all the information at once would be beneficial too.
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Just one additional note, although I tend to glance over the +1/-1 section of any new posts in threads I view it might not hurt to have some other slightly more obvious visual clue as to how many people have added a yes or no vote to a particular post. The first +1 could perhaps add +25 to the green value for the banner around a particular post, likewise a +25 to red for -1's This would visually draw attention to particular useful (or not) posts.

It does have some possibility of being abused but the reputation system here isn't really taken that seriously anyways, I just think it's possible way to help users scanning over threads to focus in on things that might be useful, this would be especially useful in long threads if the +1/-1 feature is used by more users.
HI John,

When someone receives a +1 their rep will go up (ie green bar) however if a -1 is received no rep is given or taken.

I think he was referring to the system in its very early stages, in which a newbie's +1 was shown as a gray bar in the "settings" page of the user who received the rep. I haven't seen it in a while, so perhaps you took that part off, but I know exactly what John is talking about.
+1 given April 19 for this:

Gray bar received, no points. No evidence of any -1's given.

When you realize how the system is often made into a joke, I think it is kind of silly not to allow newbie rep's to have any point value at all. Really, just how much difference do 10 points make?

My question is whether the system is working and whether the message that newbies don't count was an unintentional consequence.

BTW: We seem to have been back and forth about whether there is a weighting difference between +1 and the older 'like" button, and if so, what the difference should be. Where does it stand now?

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What is a gray bar? Sorry I'm not following what you mean John.

On this page, it shows the last rep you received. Sometimes it shows/showed up as a gray bar, rather than a green one. I was thinking you told me that was because newbies' +1s didn't count. Not sure if that was ever changed or not.
@DerStrom8: Just how did you get access to that page?

@ElectroMaster: Yes, that is exactly what I was talking about, and the gray bars give no points.

@DerStrom8: Just how did you get access to that page?

Usually I just go to My Account, click on Subscribed Threads. In the upper left-hand corner, you'll see a button for "settings". That'll take you to the page I linked to.
@DerStrom8: My edit just got lost. Part of that edit was that I had figured out what you did. As you know, the link you gave was to an individual's personal page. I thought you had somehow accessed mine. Then I realized it was a generic link.

@ElectroMaster: Here is what DerStrom and I are talking about:

View attachment 63586

Gray gives no points.

Why are positive ratings still getting gray squares and no (?) points? What does a gray square mean?

Why are positive ratings still getting gray squares and no (?) points? What does a gray square mean?


A gray square means a newbie +1'd your post. If a reputed member +1's your post, you'll get a green box instead, and points will be added.
Is that explained somewhere? Points from newbies are already scaled. Why scale them differently in the +1 system than in the add to reputation system?

Also, in at least one of the examples I gave previously, the number of points initially given before the square was made gray corresponded to a non-newbie.

Is that explained somewhere? Points from newbies are already scaled. Why scale them differently in the +1 system than in the add to reputation system?

Also, in at least one of the examples I gave previously, the number of points initially given before the square was made gray corresponded to a non-newbie.


I only know that because I asked EM the same question when he first added the +1 system.

As for the second part, I guess I'm not following entirely. Are you saying that it was green originally, and then turned to gray, or were points just added for a gray square? Either way, I think it's a glitch or something. Perhaps a reputed member +1'd your post, but then lost rep himself for one reason or another and that somehow dropped your points (I know it isn't supposed to do that, so I hope EM reads this again soon ;) )
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