new 2 voltage comparator diagrams

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New Member
having trouble going from wiring diagrams 2 comparator pin diagrams. when I look at a wiring diagram I understand posative\negative, input and output and such. Those go in and out at the corners of the triangles but my diagram has 2 wires going in\out between the corners. On the comparator pin diagram would that be pins 3 and 12 respectively? And if that is so then where does power come out? pin 1 or 14 Am I even on the right track. I'm using a lm339 and am trying to design a 12 volt photoeye to run a relay for nighttime rewind mode on a homemade solar tracker.

Look at this image.
The +V and 0V pins are marked.
The outputs are marked.

The LM339 has 4 separate comparators.

Do you follow OK.?


  • esp01 Nov. 28.gif
    20.4 KB · Views: 150
That's the "pin" diagram for the Ic. I think I get that but when I look at a "wiring" diagram with an Ic in it, they show it as a triangle with + and - on the left and output on the right but then theres 2 more lines come in. 1 from top and 1 from bottom that go to the middle of the Ic triangle. where do those 2 lines hook to the Ic when you look at the pin diagram for the comparator. That's 2 lines and 12 pins to choose from.
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