New Forum Struction: have your say!

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Hi All,

I have been reviewing the forums of late and have been toying with the idea of adding some new ones plus re-arranging some old ones. Here is what i have come up with.

I would like to know what everyone thinks. All suggestions are welcome.

Edit: Added Electronic Datasheets.
Edit: Description on Beginner Electronics could be "For discussing basic fundamentals of electronics like resistors, watts, volts, etc"
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Hiya Electro,
Those new idea's for extra subjects are a great idea, I especially like the alternative energy subject as I'm totally reliant on solar and wind power on the farm. Also the beginners subject will be a good answer to all those new members with there first post asking basic questions. You can count me in for the changes mate

Cheers Bryan
A Beginner's category is the best thing an informative forum like this one can have. Great idea. I like the others too, but I don't think you should have an RF forum AND a Radio Controlled forum... that just doesn't make sense to me. I'm glad you thought of this... the forums are getting WAY to large; we need categorization.
To clarify, the Radio Controlled forum would be for things like RC Cars, Boats, and Planes. I believe RF is totally different (correct me if im wrong) as it relates to ham radios, which seems to be a huge topic.

All forums would have a description to hopefully prevent confusion.

Keep the comments coming they so far they are very good!
An RF forum or one specifid to Ham Radio would be very welcome im my case, I am an Amature Radio Operator and am always consrtructing something to do with that hobby
I would like to see a Seperation between "Analogue" and "Digital" Electronics.

A Seperate forum for each.
I don't know what it will be like inside the Radio Controlled section when those people start to put on their topics. There're plenty of RC forums full of RC fans on the internet. They talk too much about craft and control skills all the time, and they don't usually read the rules carefully before posting. Hopefully this section won't be filled with such irrelevant threads. Even if such threads will be deleted asap, it wears the administrator out.

I kinda like the Alternative Energy forum idea. It will be great working out new ideas with everybody here.
Software Forum...

How about a forum to discuss electonics related coding like C coding to control ports, Matlab, C18(or shall we put c18 in microcontrollers?) and other related EDA Softwares...

Also...If you are in a mood for excessive work... Could we have a wiki... where good posts could be transformed into articles and edited by users to form into a full fledged articles.... In course of time, we shall have an elecronics Encyclopedia...But again... Too much work...

Good luck ElecroMaster.
well, that sounds really great
i'd like to have a new category with different sections related to electronics technical reapairs as well .
thanks alot
How about a high voltage section?

I've been posting over at, but there arent too many people that are active. Plus they have their registration disabled, so new people cant even join.
My current project is a tesla coil driven by a high power IGBT brick.
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I dont know how much interest there would be in this, but its a thought
I think a beginners section would be great along with beginner circuits and projects.
Should we separate atmel and microchip??
Definitely an alternative energy forum.
Software forum

This is a great idea and will revitalize interest in the subject for many, particularly me.
I agree with the previous post by Loh, a software section would be nice. Microcontrollers are a large part of that, but assembler and C (and other languages) written to all architectures (MIPS, SPARC, intel etc ) are of keen interest. Code snippets for use on IO ports, hard drives, memory in PC's, cell phones, PDA's and game systems are interesting.
Thank you for your effort! Good luck electromaster..
I've seen newer forums where the owner went all-out, dreaming up every conceivable category, ending up with so many, that you don't really know where to post a new topic: it may be a topic that really covers two or more of the forum subjects; it may be a topic for a specific forum subject, but there are so few posts on that subject that the post will never see a reply. So, too many categories is not a good thing. Of course, too few has the other effect of too much overburden that browsing the category is too much drudgery.

I feel that the "Sensorless BLDC electronic motor" and the controlers for them would make a great topic. There is a great deal of interest in these motors due to their efficiency, reliability and great power potential. There is a sad lack of usable information on them and the forum could become a clearing house that would be appreciated by a lot of people.
may i suggest somethin!

hi........i would like to suggest that we could hve different wireless sections as :
Blue tooth
RF frequencies------- all radio modules,RFID
cell phone band......... including sms trigggerings

GPS.......wireless but controversial to come under this section

will we have such a section!

bye people
take care
My compliments on a job well done.

If I understand right,it should be a lot less searching.For those concerned about too much RC and Radio Frequency,unless that is your interest you would not even know they were there!I think if is not too much work breaking things down into section narrows down your search,where you can solve your problem quicker.That is the reason people look to others for help,If we were all GENIUSES we would not need anyone.
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