New Guy on the block

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Hey, Just wanted to introduce my self. My name is Rick, I am a father of 1, full time student, MR2 enthusiast, Volinteer Firefighter, and all around laid back kinda guy.

I have basic knowledge of DC electronics, and love to mess around with all types of electronics. I also want to learn how to build circuts and implament some Ideas that I have.

Well, take it easy.
Hi Maddy,

Welcome. Just ask the question in the section that seems right.

Where are you a volunteer firefighter? Actually, well done wherever you are.

Nigel Goodwin said:
Isn't it a Toyota sports car?.

Yes, yes it is!

Mid engine Rear wheel drive 2 seats
Midship Runabout 2 seats
Mine is a little rough around the edges but she functions verry well, and is extremely reliable.
600,000 miles (no, it's not a type-o)
1 explosion (Previous owner)
2 Fires (Previous Owner)
1 Severe overheating
and she still runs great!

This car has a strong background in the SCCA with the p.o. having raced and won many races in it. I hope to one day restore it back to it's former glory.

I have alot of projects in mind for it that I will be needing help with. I am hoping to find some Advanced electrical help here.

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I'm not sure that I would feel safe in a car that has a bottle of brake fluid on the dash. Is it there so you can top it up regularly?

P.S. It looks like a fun car to drive.
What year's your MR2?

I have a '92 Toyota Corolla, which with 400K still out performs (mind you, by performance here we're speaking strictly how many dollars and days between mechanic visits) my '93 Sable at 250K.

The radiator on the Corolla was leaking this summer, and because it's my partner's car, of course I didn't find out until September when I had to borrow the Toyota. Has anyone else out there had this conversation:
Me: "How's your car running?"
Her: "Oh, I think it's doing okay."
Me: "I just took it for a spin - did you notice all those lights lit up on the dash?"
Her: "Oh yes! They've been on for quite some time now. I was going to mention it, but the car seemed to be working fine!"
Me: "Hand me that bottle of aspirin, would you?"

I poured a bottle of stop-leak in the radiator, and whadduya know? The leak stopped, the engine heat went from H to C (where it usually stays when the rad's working), and I haven't noticed any performance reduction as a result of the car's long, hot summer. It's no performance vehicle, but it's always had a respectable amount of pick-up to zip me through traffic - great automatic transmission, good accelerating car. In its younger days, people were even surprised it didn't have turbo!

Has anybody seen that Top Gear show? Over a series of episodes, they attempt to kill a Hillux (I think that's a U.K. Tacoma?). They do everything to it, include collapse a multi-storey building with it on top, and... well, I'll let you have the fun of finding out what happens yourselves!
I love Top Gear. Some of the stuff is plain wild, but other stuff (like when they tested the Laguna Seca course in real life vs. Gran Turismo 4) is quite interesting.
LMAO-- an MR2 with a 5-pt. seat harness, a bottle of DOT 3 brake fluid on the dash, and oh, the fire extinguisher in the rear seat adds a nice touch!
Even a 200+mph Dodge Viper doesn't come with those amennities!
Ok, a few explanations

The Brake Fluid was there to remind me to replace my extra bottle as I just got done doing a clutch job and didn't buy enough (stupid me)

The 5-pt harness is there because this a track tuned car that is actually taken to the track. I have slolmed at 45+ mph and dove into hard 90 degree turns at well over 40mph, while the car is lifting the front inside wheel off of the ground.

Back in it's day it could hang with the likes of 911's Z06's ZR1's, Lotuses, etc on a auto-X track (Technical driving tracks for those who don't know)
The fire extinguisher is a cheap insurance policy. Id rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

And yes get this car on a nice windy road and the sound of the engine between 5K-7.2K RPM will plaster a smile on your face a mile wide!!
damn yall like plastic. I'd rather have a 70-80 model chevy, any kind, any day. nothing like 2 tons of solid steel and iron, mmmm sexy.
The Mad Electrician said:
The fire extinguisher is a cheap insurance policy. Id rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

I agree. I used to drive semi trucks. Your required to carry an extinguisher on a commercial truck in the US. There wouldn't be much worse then having your vehical catch fire, or coming upon another vehical on fire and having nothing to put it out with. I carry one in my car and my wifes car, along with a first aid kit.
The Mad Electrician said:
And yes get this car on a nice windy road and the sound of the engine between 5K-7.2K RPM will plaster a smile on your face a mile wide!!

... but have you ever had your shoulders pressed flat against the seat from a jack-rabbit start on a 427, 425hp Chevy? I have.

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That is too pretty to do battle with city traffic, little old ladies, girls on cell phones and text messagers.
I don't own it anymore... sold it 20 years ago. I wish I had a '56 Nomad instead... those were beautiful looking wagons.
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