New here, thought I would Say hi, I should fit in well here!

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New Member
I am a 'tinkerer' if you will. I like to find new and or strange ways of doing things.

Here is part of my shop.

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Here was a project I made that would shift the 'metered' power the actual power pulled,
Power is pulled from the non metered center tap and returned one the hot legs.

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Here is some high voltage Photo Art I did,

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60KV from a Xray transformer.

Made my own Solar flares by using high voltage DV and a magnetic field with fire.

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My X ray transformers,

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Small Tesla coil I built for feild demos at my work,
It was an off the shelf model, I tore apart and completely rebuilt to be more powerful and efficient.
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Here is a current project in the works, a full 'bench top' power supply, 0-30amps 0-240VAC/DC with variable current limiting and safety interlocks.

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Here is a 40mA HeNe laser project I was working on, built the power supply for it 10KVDC

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And last the 1.2MV Tesla coil at my work. 45,000Watts

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Like I said I do things in strange ways. Few of my projects.

I built my own 300amp Mig welder.

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I am lacking the pictures at present, but I took (2) Alternators and made them into a push pull audio power amplifier! Will have to dig up the video.

Here was a Guitar hero interface I built.

And here was me testing out the new Xray transformer. It pulls 50amps at 220V and can output 80KV

The transformer is about 400lbs.

As you can tell, I am defiantly a random person when it comes to my projects.

I will be sure to share my future projects if anyone is interested.
Those are some great projects, DJDAudio! I think you'll like it here, and learn a lot, too. This is a great forum!

Welcome to Electro-Tech!

Der Strom
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