New Member Needs Project Idea

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Well-Known Member
I just received this PM:

I'm thinking perhaps, he could build a power inverter?
Any other project suggestions for this gentleman?
HiTech and his evil clone... Anything RF is always fun for beginners. Or maybe a core temperature monitor for their new nuclear power plant... Or what's that thing they use to zap cattle at the slaughter house... oops, guess not much use for something like that in India....
My evil clone hasn't realized that he will spend eternity in my shadow, frustrated to no end by neither equaling nor surpassing me. A puppy dog on a leash!
Annoying though.
Need more moderators here to fix stupid stuff like that fast. Gotta make sure they're all in different time zones so one tends to be on. The more popular the forum gets the worse it'll get.
A Moderator informed me that he's on top of things. Notice that the evil clone's replies have been removed from the various threads and he now resides in cyberspace where all man-made garbage is jettisoned to!
Stupid that people do that though, moderators should be moderating not wasting their time slapping idiots around and tracking morons down to ban IP's or what not. Ahh well, that's what you get for being on the Internet I guess.
Stupid that people do that though, moderators should be moderating not wasting their time slapping idiots around and tracking morons down to ban IP's or what not. Ahh well, that's what you get for being on the Internet I guess.
I thought that's what moderating a forum entails? Having to monitor, make decisions according to set forth rules, and then enact the appropriate action(s). I've been in many various forums and I have to admit that this forum board is very well moderated. (me hopes to be getting a coupon for a free chocolate sundae for that last compliment!)
Yes HiTech, what I was referring to was that moderators spend most of their time focusing on pretty much everything NOT related to the content being moderated. I always hated moderating chat, not because I wasn't good at it, but because when I was moderating I wasn't actually participating.
General Chat forums are typically where infractions occur. Other forums primarily just need message sorting so threads fall under the respective categories. I don't know about ElectroTech but there are other BBS/forums that use software that monitors and alerts a Mod. when specific words or files are used in a thread, making a Mod's job easier.
So what is acceptable behavior here? I have been reading many of the old threads and I dont see whats wrong with a good argument or debate as long as its kept in a more professional manor.

I've been a member for a few days and have spent most of it just reading. I showed some humor in a chat thread and got called a troll for it. I thought that from what I have read of the rules and going by what some any others say and do that it would be Okay.

Am I wrong for trying to bring a little off humor to a thread now and then? Its not like I am picking fights or trying to make trouble I am just making a off topic comment meant in good humor in the off topic area.
Some people just dont like the new guys I guess.

So far I have not seen anything you posted I would possibly question as being deliberately bad or mean. What I have seen was for me rather funny for what its worth.

Just dont get too rude or insulting. Sarcasm is Okay to a point and so is off humor done with good intentions usually. So just dont take what others say to personally.

It helps to understand that we have our resident old farts, grouches and self appointed moderators of nothing of any importance here. Odds are you just ran across one of them thats all.
Do them moderators delete members who are the "Hi im a 3rd year EE student from (fill in the blanks) pls help me!!! (ten smileys)" type?
Just asking..
Nope Vizier, you'll see plenty of them floating around, they only last a few posts generally though and then you never see them again.
So what exactly is the purpose of the reputation scale thing here? Or more to the point how does it work or what purpose does it serve?

I am curious about why some people have different ratings even though they have far more or less posts than others.

I have seen other sites that have ratings systems on the them. The ones that do have it have a lower limit of negative marks before a person gets kicked out. How does that work here?
Not much I wouldn't put to much energy into it. If someone wants to give you a bad rep they will, questioning other peoples idea's can sometimes lead to it if their ego is to big or they have had to many beer's.

Look at those little green square's or red ones if you end up with them. You'll find them under the User CP top left of the page next to blogs.

People can rate you on any number of things.

If you end up with enough posts you will get both eventually I'm sure.


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