New normal?

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GDP is up 5% from 2007 and corporate profits are up 20% for the same period. So we are making more stuff for less money than ever. Does this mean the unemployment rate is going to stay where it is?
Probably means we are reducing quality to move quantity. I've been buying stuff I don't really need just on price alone.
GDP is effected by public works, so all of those public works infrastructure projects effect GDP, but aren't sustainable.
I thought most of that was used up last year, but I guess there may still be some working through the system. Maybe thats why it's cooling off.
Still doesn't explain why unemployment is still so high. Is it just the lost 3 years?
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All I know is my US Forest service fire jobs and Cal fire jobs have been cut. I need work and life is very frustrating these days.
I went through the academy and now it all seems for nothing. When the forest and countryside burn, who will they call?
You should be able to come to AZ for a while. Half the state is on fire. Over $50 million so far. Let me know if you want to swap houses for a while, I'd love to get back to SD.
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