new to Multiplexer

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New Member
Hi All,

Need your help here.

Let say the Y(A,B,C) = {1,3,4,6}

By using a 4:1 multiplexer, how are we going to construct the circuit which can implement the logic function above?

Please advice,

MULTIPLEXER - Asignment Question

Hi All,

Please help on this. I just able to build it for 8:1 Multiplexer as shown in attached for Out ( A, B, C ) = {1,3,4,6}. How am I going to convert it to only ONE 4:1 Multiplexer?

Please advice and guide,

Thanks in advance,



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You can do this with a 4:1 MUX, but you need an extra invert gate in there too.

Your system is:

000 0
001 1
010 0
011 1
100 1
101 0
110 1
111 0

Your code has reflected symmetry about the 011/100 transition. Therefore:

Use a 4:1 MUX as follows:

00 0
01 1
10 0
11 1

Then from the remaining bit, drive an inverter to invert the output of the MUX. this will give you:

(0)00 0
(0)01 1
(0)10 0
(0)11 1

and when your other bit (the most significant bit) is 1, it inverts the output to give

(1)00 1
(1)01 0
(1)10 1
(1)11 0

Hope this helps

Hi Bill Naylor,

If the select lines for the 4:1 multiplexer is AC, what should be the connection for the input of multiplexer ?

Please advice,

Thanks & Best Regards,
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