New to PIC, need some opinions on PIC16C5x

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New Member

I've been wanting to get into PIC uCs for a while now (I've been using an expensive BASIC stamp), but a few things have been stopping me. One is I've never programmed in ASM, but i know i can learn it. Two is that i don't have any idea how to get the ASM program onto the PIC, but again, i can learn that. And three is that I don't have any PICs to work with.

I've come across a box of about 15 PCBs, each with either a PIC16C57 or PIC16C54 on them.

I know that I can desolder them from the board, and I've been reading the datasheet, but I want to know if this is a good place to start. From what i've seen it looks like a lot of people use the PIC16Fxx models, and there's probably a good reason for that.

I think i'm going to start with the PIC16C54 because it has the least number of pins to work with, and just looks more friendly. Has anyone here had any experience with this chip? I hope to be able to get it to flash an LED to get started.

Thank you in advance,
Ah, that makes things a little difficult.

What would you recommend as a good chip to start off with? I don't need too many I/O pins, nothing fancy. Just something to learn on.


Microchip's PICkit2 is also a fine programmer.

Blueroom's Inchworm+ (with or without the optional Unicorn board) is also a very good programmer. It's compatible with Microchip's ICD2.
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Alright. I'll look into all of those. Thank you both for your advice. Very useful. I appreciate it. =)

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