New To Pic18f4520

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New Member
I was reading some forums, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting started, but I want to program the PIC18F4520 with a simple 4-1 MUX in C. Anybody have tips or suggestions to help me start?
I was reading some forums, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting started, but I want to program the PIC18F4520 with a simple 4-1 MUX in C. Anybody have tips or suggestions to help me start?

Isn't this job for some programmable logic (i.e. $1 XC9536) or 74xx series or cmos 4000 series MUX ?

It's assigned as a project and I'm having trouble getting things going, I just figured out how to get my input's read in C, and then drive an output. Nothing complex, but I'm having trouble just getting the ball rolling so to speak.


We wrote a pic program for PIC18F452 and now we want to convert the same program to PIC18F4520. What must we do?
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