New toy!.

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Nigel Goodwin

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A few months ago I bought a Suzuki Jimny (baby 4x4 ), basically because I wanted four things:

1) Something good in the snow, we've had a couple of bad winters here recently.

2) Air-con for the odd hot day in the summer.

3) A second car, for when my daughter wants to borrow my existing car.

4) Something 4x4 that's good on fuel.

The Jimny fills all these points, but the stereo is pretty naff, I'm used to the Sony one I fitted in my Punto, that plays MP3's from a USB drive. Unfortunately the Jimny radio is a double height one, and there's no replacement ones that will fit in decently (part of the dashboard fits over the radio).

So I googled, and found this:

So I ordered one, it arrived from China quite quickly, I fitted it today, and I'm currently copying 594 MP3's to a 4GB SD drive

I've had it running so far today on a USB drive, but an SD card will be neater, so I popped out and bought a couple.

Clever little device, it simply pretends it's a six disc CD player in the boot (hence the 594 tracks limit).
Where are the pictures? BTW, does anyone have any opinion on CD's? Is it even worth it to buy audio CDs anymore?
Where are the pictures? BTW, does anyone have any opinion on CD's? Is it even worth it to buy audio CDs anymore?

The pictures are on the link I posted in the first post.

CD's aren't long enough, the radio has a CD player in it, but it won't even play MP3 CD's

MP3 CD's aren't long enough either

But 594 tracks on an 4GB SD card isn't bad!.
Specially considering you can usually just slap in a 16gig card. Or organize a library on multiple 4 gig cards.
Specially considering you can usually just slap in a 16gig card. Or organize a library on multiple 4 gig cards.

It'll only access 6 folders of 99 tracks each, simulating a CD multiplayer - so no point in a 16GB card, 4GB is more than enough (think I used about 3GB odd on mine?).
Obviously multiple 4GB cards isn't a problem - and in fact I bought a twin pack for that very reason.
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