Newbie Power Supply Question

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New Member
I'm new to PIC programming and recently bought a PIC programmer off EBay. It came with a PIC programmer that connects via a USB cable. Attachable to that programmer is the ZIF socket that holds the actual microcontroller. Since I am utilizing the USB port to power the programmer the software tells me that I need to find a seperate power supply for the target chip in the ZIF socket. I am just having trouble figuring out how to power the IC in the ZIF socket. Do I just lead in the appropriate power and ground wires to the pins of the IC or do I utilize this array of pins on the corner of the board(picture attached).


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Going by the programmer I buit, VPP is normally 13V and VDD is nomally 5V.

You can buy mains adaptors with a 5V output but the 13V is a bit more difficult.

12V might work though, a 12V regulated adaptor could supply you with the 5V if you add a LM78L05 regulator on the output.

If 12V doesn't work then you really need 13V, then you could use the power supply from the PIC programmer on Nigel's site:
thats strange, programmer asking for external power source is understandable but its asking also for PGD & PGC !!! whats the usb for then ?

looks like the ports you showing is for ICSP.
Most PIC's can program with LVP programmers except few like internal OSC configured ones.

Whats the PIC you are going to program?
I'm trying to program the PIC16F628A. Here is the ebay auction of the PIC programmer I bought: **broken link removed**
So if I were to power the target separately, since I am powering the programmer with the USB port, would I just run power and ground wires into the ZIF socket?
No you don't power the programmer with USB. USB gives only 5 V but you need Vpp which is 13 V.
Doesn’t it have a power socket?
PIC16F628A is easy to program. If so plug the power socket & program the chip.

I think it must have a power socket to give 13V.It almost 49US$. It should have.
Ya, it should have maybe an adapter to the programmer board, then there should be a socket connected from the board to the zif.
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