Newcomer with no knowledge - question

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Colin Tarry

New Member
Please could Anyone tell me what the pinout names S1 D1 and IN1 denote on a cmos analog Integrated circuit DG308ACJ I’ve read the data sheet but I don’t know the basics to know how the pin should be connected I’m guessing S is volt in D is volts out and IN is the voltage input to trigger the switch ? But I really don’t know! Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
You've got it.

IN is the logic signal that controls the switch.
That's relative to the ground pin.

S and D are the switch connections, nominaly S being input and D output, but they are bidirectional in practice.

They are analog switches, you can consider them a floating switch contact with a low value resistor in series, as long as the S &D stay within the permitted signal range for whatever supply voltages you are using.
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