NewPing library and tone function in one program??

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Using NewPing library for a project but stuck cause I can't use tone function in that. "Error: Id returned 1 exit status......"
Why is it happening?
What is the solution?


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Can you post ALL your code, not just snippets.

Edit, don't post a picture of your code, post the text between code tags.
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Can you post ALL your code, not just snippets.

Edit, don't post a picture of your code, post the text between code tags.
Ok.. here it is.. without just the tone function the program compiles fine..
#include "NewPing.h"
#define echoPin 7
#define trigPin 6
#define buzzPin 8
unsigned int dly=300;
NewPing distance(trigPin, echoPin, 500);
void setup()
    pinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
float cm=distance.convert_cm(distance.ping_median());
Serial.println(" Subject is ");
Serial.print(" cm away");
       unsigned int gap=(dly-cm)*50;
        tone(buzzPin, gap, 400);
tone ( pin, frequency, duration); It specifically says unsigned int, you are passing a float.. cast it to see if it fixes

tone(buzzpin, round(gap), 400); or.. tone(buzzpin, (int)gap, 400);
tone ( pin, frequency, duration); It specifically says unsigned int, you are passing a float.. cast it to see if it fixes

tone(buzzpin, round(gap), 400); or.. tone(buzzpin, (int)gap, 400);
Thanks.. it seems to be a silly mistake... But still the problem remains..
I've found the culprit, it's that they both use the same interrupt "vector__7". That was in the error msg, anyhow I didn't saw that earlier.
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