I have a 32 byte array & I want to shift its nibbles separately.
Means when I call the subroutine, it will shift the upper nibbles of the array left and shift their lower nibbles right.
Did a code but seems likes its too long need to optimize
Means when I call the subroutine, it will shift the upper nibbles of the array left and shift their lower nibbles right.
Did a code but seems likes its too long
cblock 30h
C17,C18,C19,C20,C21,C22,C23,C24,C25,C26,C27,C28,C29,C30,C31,C32 ;4Fh last byte
Shift_Left movlw .32
movwf Byte_Count
movlw 30h
movwf FSR
movf INDF,W
movwf Copy_Last ; save 1st byte
Shift_Upper_Left movf INDF,W
andlw b'00001111' ; clear the upper nibble
movwf INDF
incf FSR,F
movf INDF,W
andlw b'11110000' ; only move upper nibble
decf FSR,F
iorwf INDF,F
incf FSR,F
decfsz Byte_Count,F
goto Shift_Upper_Left
movf C32,W ; last byte
andlw b'00001111'
movwf C32
movf Copy_Last,W
iorwf C32,F
Shift_Right movlw 4Fh
movwf FSR
movlw .32
movwf Byte_Count
movf INDF,W
movwf Copy_Last ; save 1st byte
Shift_Lower_Right movf INDF,W
andlw b'11110000' ; clear the lower nibble
movwf INDF
decf FSR,F
movf INDF,W
andlw b'00001111' ; keep only lower nibble
incf FSR,F
iorwf INDF,F
decf FSR,F
decfsz Byte_Count,F
goto Shift_Lower_Right
movf C1,W ; last byte
andlw b'00001111'
movwf C1
movf Copy_Last,W
iorwf C1,F