Nice little component tester kit.

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For the programmer TL866 is described setting fuses on the Web, there is a direct link to this setting programmer with ATMEGA328 and x-tal 8MHz

Pre compiled .hex & .eep

A to bottom section firmware is setting fuses for each MCU and URL links are mentioned images from awrdudess and MiniPro (for TL866)


  • minipro_fuse_ATmega328_ext_krystal.JPG
    258.4 KB · Views: 658
  • minipro_fuse_ATmega168_int_rc.JPG
    259.6 KB · Views: 307
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Thanks, Milhaus. This will be useful when I get back to this project. (If I do)

1.17 still seems to be the latest update.
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