Nissan Transmission Stepper test circuit

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Hi All

A friend asked me to test a stepper motor out of his Nissan Murano Transmission. I found a video of someone that did what I wanted to do but the poster has not offered up any info. It looks like an Arduino in the background to me but I have not used one of them.

In my past, I have not yet been successful getting any stepper motor to work with a microcontroller. I stumble around a little with them but I have never had a project for one so never really focused long enough to see the project through. I figure this test circuit is a good opportunity to get a circuit and program working. I understand the idea, just have not got the software and circuit together yet....

This motor has 6 leads so thinking Unipolar. 2 sets of 3, 15 ohms between 2 and 30 ohms across the other two (each set)

I don't have a driver so was going to use 4 mosfets . (might be my first problem..?)

I always thought you drive one winding, then another, in the right order, etc but some of what I have read leads me to believe I have to power two windings simultaneously for some (or all?) steppers to work?

First question is how do I know which leads to power and when on a motor that has no data available? Trial and error once I get a circuit and program in place?

I use BasicMicro Nano's (looks like they never caught on as support is minimal ie non existenet and the forums appear inactive) but it is what I am a little familiar with. I have several and since I drift in and out of electronics mode, depending on what projects surface, I don't want to start learning another one. But the coding should not be too different than most others, other than syntax, if I understand correctly.

Here is my code, about as simple as it gets, I think. Is it even close?


High P1
Pause 200
Low P1
Pause 200
High P7
Pause 200
Low P7
Pause 200
High P12
Pause 200
Low P12
Pause 200
High P13
Pause 200
Low P13
Pause 200


I know it is cumbersome, especially since I suspect I will need to change the active pins. I forget how to make that more easily (just variables or a lookup table?...) but I am just getting going and before I spend too much more time on this, I was hoping someone could at least point me in the right direction or confirm I am going there now.

My goal is just to replicate the video above (so my friend can determine if he needs a new Nissan Transmission problems) and finally, maybe, get my bearings on using stepper motors. I need a project for one I guess..... ;-)

I will get the schematic drawn up and post it but it is just 4 microcontroller pins driving the gates of 4 MOSFETs with 12 volts on the Drains of the FETS.

Any input to move this little project along would be appreciated.

Thanks all

Nope, have not seen that one yet. I probably missed it cause it said Arduino....even though I know better. Oops. Thanks

I am working through this one though which I have seen referenced in other threads.


I included my schematic here. I know,... pretty simple. It is a shield for my controller board I hope to use for this project and then have as a general purpose driver board. Maybe too simple?



  • Stepper shield.bmp
    385.1 KB · Views: 243
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Mission accomplished....I had success. Not only does the motor work, I learned a bit along the way.....

I wanted to update the thread.


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Here is the code for it (BasicMicro Nano18 )

; Stepper Motor driver
Hes Con 2
I var byte
O var byte


;Pulls in fully

For I = 1 to 50

High P12
Pause Hes
Low P12
Pause Hes

High P1
Pause Hes
Low P1
Pause Hes

High P13
Pause Hes
Low P13
Pause Hes

High P7
Pause Hes
Low P7
Pause Hes



For O = 1 to 50

High P1
Pause Hes
Low P1
Pause Hes

High P12
Pause Hes
Low P12
Pause Hes

High P7
Pause Hes
Low P7
Pause Hes

High P13
Pause Hes
Low P13
Pause Hes




  • Stepper shield.bmp
    385.1 KB · Views: 189
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