No connection between laptop and programmer

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I bought a ICD2 debugger & programmer and a converter usb to serial I can not program anything,no connection I plug in usb to serial converter between laptop and programmer but no communication.Is there anybody have a idea on that problem.Thanks all folks
Try disabling the FIFO buffers for the virtual com port driver in Device Manager, assuming Windows is target OS.

I warn you, some of those usb-serial cables do not work as is, regardless of ICD2. Needless to say the dirt cheap ones are suspect.
ICD2 debugger and programmer

I bought that ICD2 debugger and programmer from micro4you site.I had been using this ICD2 with PC via com1(serial com) and had been supplied power from USB,so that it works good in MPLAB.I bought laptop and usb to serial converter I plugged in serial converter to laptop.Laptop found it,mplab sees comx but not communicate programmer and laptop I checked all contingencies.But I did not succees.
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