The oscillator circuit which you are trying to build is known as a Phase Shift Oscillator (PSO)
A few months ago I did some work on a PSO circuit for a talk which I was to present to the local amateur radio society.
The upshot is that the PSO very nearly drove me mad, it was very difficult to make it work reliably by just chopping and hacking component values.
To get you started, here is a circuit which does work:
It may look a bit gaudy, it is cut from a PowerPoint file which I created for the talk.
Resistor R5 sets the gain of the amplifier stage, in my demo model, R5 was 39 Ohms.
You can start with a lower value to be sure that the oscillator starts, and then adjust R5 to give a nice sinewave output.
I note that in another post you are looking to make an oscillator to run in the range 50 to 150MHz,
if that is the case a PSO is most definitely NOT the way to do it.