Noise indicator with voice alarm

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pls i need circuit diagram and how the circuit works with respect to the components entailed for the project 'noise indicator with voice alarm'.
So, what you really need is for someone to do your school work for you, is that correct?

not at all. i have various diagrams but my present problem is how to know the decibel output of my circuit
not at all. i have various diagrams but my present problem is how to know the decibel output of my circuit
That is not the question you asked in your first post.
How do you expect to get a sensible answer when you ask the wrong question?
Is this a cultural thing, where you have to go all around the subject before asking the real question?
Just ask the real question, dont waffle!
The circuit you found and the parts you use (especially the microphone) might be very sensitive or not very sensitive. Then you must calibrate the circuit so its display and alarm occur at the same sound levels as an accurate sound level meter.

The schematic and description about how the circuit works is printed in the project. There are a few of these projects on the internet.
thanks Audio Guru. Do you know where I can get a self explanatory circuit that helps me easily to simulate the circuit using Multisim from National Instrument?
If not, is there anyway you can help me on how to properly simulate my circuit cus i have a problem with the input switch & mic and the output switch that selects the dB level.
Thanks once again, have a fantastic day!
Multisim does not know anything about a microphone. You must feed in a signal from a signal generator, not from a microphone.
You forgot to attach your circuit so I don't know what problems you have with switches.
Please describe the problems you have with the switches.

Is it this circuit? I think it is missing a diode. Room Noise Detector - RED - Page16


  • room noise detector.PNG
    10.3 KB · Views: 424
its the same as the circuit I simulated but since I couldn't get a 2 poles 4 ways rotary switch in multisim, I decided to make do with a DIP switch coupled with a bus bar (I don't even know how the busbar operates it is just lying there fallow...except I constructed the bus bar wrongly-would not mind also being helped in this area too ).
Using the signal generator at the input, I guess I was meant to have a dB reading at the bus bar output...Im really confused there cause I am not getting that. How am I to incorporate the dB meter with a bus bar...Im not also sure if I constructed the bus bar correctly, here's an attachment of my circuit with multisim.


  • tfajem cct.pdf
    52.2 KB · Views: 235
There is no "buss bar" in the switch. It is a simple two poles 4 positions switch.
Your second opamp has no gain because you have R10 in the wrong position.


  • dB alarm.PNG
    11.5 KB · Views: 251
Please I would like to know how to incorporate a PIC micro controller into the noise detector circuit, How would I do that.
I would also like to know how to integrate a voice alarm with the circuit to indicate the dB level of the noise.
Thanks for your anticipated response.
Please I would like to know how to incorporate a PIC micro controller into the noise detector circuit, How would I do that.
You forgot to say what the PIC microcontroller will do in this circuit. The circuit works fine without a microcontroller.

I would also like to know how to integrate a voice alarm with the circuit to indicate the dB level of the noise.
The circuit detects any sounds. Noise or voices are some of the sounds that trigger the LED. Simply add more circuits to trigger at different dB levels.
Thanks a lot. The problem I have at the moment is how to incorporate a circuit which will give a voice signal whenever the LED is triggered. Is there any other way i can achieve this without using a micro-controller. this project a success?'cause i intend to do one for my final year project and perhaps i might need some help if i found problems on this this project a success?'cause i intend to do one for my final year project and perhaps i might need some help if i found problems on this
Why do you simply COPY a circuit (the circuit shown from RED Circuits)? Aren't you supposed to design your own circuit for a final year project?
Or are you simply learning how to copy and solder?
no no...i'm not copying one...i've got my own idea..and have my own design as's just i want to know if one day i've got a problem,i might or not get some help from here since basically the main purpose is the same...
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