Noise pollution Monitoring and Alraming

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planing to make the system for Noise pollution Monitoring and Alraming..
If any have overview or sample related this plz provide me..
Wouldn't the 'alarm', add to the noise pollution? Since the alarm would need to be louder than the noise monitored, wouldn't the device be self-triggering, endlessly?
Harvey: Who said it to be an audible alarm?
Could be a foot, like in Monty Python opening sceene, sqashing the sound source! Silence, but for the laughter
A a): Microphone, preamp C-weighted?, step attenuator and an LM3914 with the LED outputs to trigger an alarm. Downside: calibration
A b): Buy a Radio Shack analog sound level meter and trigger the alarm using the DC level to the movement
Wouldn't the 'alarm', add to the noise pollution? Since the alarm would need to be louder than the noise monitored, wouldn't the device be self-triggering, endlessly?

Is it just me or are project requests getting more ludicrous?

It's possible but what's the point? Can't you hear the noise? Surely if you're deaf you don't have to worry about noise pollution and you won't be able to hear the alarm either?

You can use a sound activated relay, lots of circuits can be found using Google.
sound activated relay - Google Search
thanks ur support
canadelak and hero 999 can u tell me that how i measure the noise and plot the graph..
It's kind of tough to give a real useful response, from such a brief description. Have to guess this is a school project, where the instructor already knows what you have learned, and what parts you have available. Unfortunately, we do not know anything more than what was stated. If you search the web, you should be able to find several simple designs, since this was done while I was in High School (30 years ago). Remember it being done with a PIC microcontroller using the ADC input and an LCD. I don't use PIC, so didn't save the source.

Kind of depends on if you are looking to use OP AMPs and LEDS, or a microcontroller. Use search on this site, believe this isn't the first time the topic has come up.
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