Noise that affect the channel

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In the image there is term called (1/g)and term and sigma(t). Both attenuating the signal,but i cannot understand the difference between them. Thank you


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In the image there is term called (1/g)and term and sigma(t). Both attenuating the signal,but i cannot understand the difference between them.

The term 1/G is attenuating the signal.
The sigma(t) is adding to the attenuated signal.

The effect of each term is different.

1/G is attenuating the signal x(t).
1)what attenuate the signal.i mean attenuation caused by what

The sigma(t) is adding to the attenuated signal.

2)what types of noise in general,how its added to the signal.I mean if i send i signal through wire,how the noise signal is being added

i think it is some kind of basic ,so i don't mind even if u give a link that leads to leads to my answer
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